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Submit Your Travel Story!

We'd love to hear your stories and see photos from your latest trip! Fill out the form below to share those memories with us for our blogs, website, social media networks and other marketing materials—we'll let you know if we feature your story and/or photos on any of our outlets.
1. Name *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
4. Please share up to five of your favorite photos from your trip:
  • Photos must be uploaded one at a time. Click "Browse" to upload your first photo, and click "Browse" again to upload additional photos.
  • Maximum file size: 25 MB each
  • .png, .gif, .jpg and .jpeg files are all acceptable formats
5. Share up to three of your favorite video clips from your trip:
  • Videos must be uploaded one at a time. Click "Browse" to upload your first video, and click "Browse" again to upload additional videos.
  • Maximum file size: 50 MB each
  • .mov, .mp3, .mp4 and .wav files are all acceptable formats
Terms & Conditions
By submitting your content (including photos, videos and stories in the form of text), you give Natural Habitat Adventures and WWF permanent, non-exclusive, royalty-free permission to use of your content in the promotion and marketing of our trips in our marketing materials, including but not limited to printed brochures, website, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+ and other social media accounts.  All content must be original, meaning you may only submit content that you have created and for which you own the copyright. We reserve the right to crop, alter or otherwise edit photos, videos and text for length and content.